Your Goals
My Methods
Your Goal: More Energy
You feel tired, sad and unmotivated.
Your feet, hands and nose are always cold.
Your skin is dry and you lose hair.
You struggle with congestion.
You gained some weight.
You already checked your thyroid,
but your levels were fine.
You get home with nothing, still feeling like crap.
Maybe your symptoms are only in your head.
My Method: Restore Thyroid Hormones
Your symptoms are not in your head.
I take them seriously.
We will come to the root cause of your imbalance in thyroid hormones. Refuel all the Vitamins and Minerals your thyroid needs to function proberly.
You will feel energized and motivated again.
Your hair will stay and your skin won't be dry.
Your digestion will improve.
Loosing weight will become easier.
Your Goal: Improving Digestion
You feel bloated after every meal.
You developed food sensitivities or allergies.
You have diarrhea or constipation regularly.
You don't know what to eat anymore.
You made a colonscopy before
but your colon looks fine.
You are left alone with the diagnosis of
Irrititable Bowel Syndrome.
My Method: Promoting Gut Health
We will reduce your symptoms in a few weeks and find a sustainable diet for the long term.
The Low Fodmap diet has been proven to reduce symptoms of IBS. But it is not a long term diet.
So we start with removing all trigger foods and go on with reintroducing one after an other. While healing your gut, we find a long term diet where you can enjoy every food without digestive issues.
Your Goal: Regular Menstrual Cycle
Your cycle is way longer or shorter than 28 days.
Sometimes it is missing completely.
You struggle with mood swings, cravings, water retention, headaches right before your period.
You have horrible cramps during your period.
You learned that being in pain and facing PMS is normal. You get the advide to take the pill.
Maybe you get diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis or hypothalamic amenorrhea.
My Method: Balancing Hormones
Viewing all hormonal axes together, we will find the root cause of your symptoms.
Starting with the most important hormone Insulin, we balance your blood sugar with food, movement and supplements. Up to using bioidentical hormones in consultation with your gynacologist.
With a wholesome approach your cycle will become regualr, symptoms reduce and you can feel the beauty of being a women with different phases.
Your Goal: Stop Emotional Eating
Sometimes you lose control around your food.
Eating tons of food till you feel sick.
Eating when you're stressed, bored, sad...
Or you're craving sweet or salty food all the time.
You think you are broken. To week to resist.
You can't trust your body and hunger cues anymore.
You think you have to resist harder next time.
Maybe this new diet can finally break the cycle.
My Method: Heal Eating Behaviour
Emotional Eating is complex. But it is not your fault!
It is not you being to weak to resist.
It can be your brain just repeating sequences of actions it learned before to make you feel better.
It can be food spiking your blood sugar.
It can be your body craving for nutrients.
Finding the causes of your binges will grow your self-trust and enable you to find a solution.